1/149 Centre Dandenong Road, Cheltenham

Root Canal Treatment

What is Root Canal Treatment?

Root Canal Treatment or “Endodontic Treatment” is a procedure to remove the infected or compromised nerve of a tooth. By removing the nerve of a tooth, we thereby remove any pain, infection, pus or dead tissue within the tooth to prevent pain whilst keeping the tooth and not taking it out.

Our dentists are specialised in diagnosing the Root Canal. We perform root canal treatment or “Endodontic Treatment”  in Cheltenham dental clinic which is the procedure of removing the infected nerve of a tooth.

When do I know I need a Root Canal Treatment?

It is best to get a Dentist to help diagnose the problem and recommend a Root Canal Treatment. Some general signs indicating that you may need a Root Canal Treatment include:

  • Pain at night that doesn’t stop and keeps you up awake at night
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold foods
  • Pain when you eat or chew food
  • Black Discoloration of the whole tooth
  • A pimple/ulcer or sore developing on your gums that doesn’t go away

It is difficult to know when you need a Root Canal Treatment so please consult your dentist first before going.

I heard Root Canal Treatment hurts and is very painful?

You can be assured that the dentist will take every measure we can to ensure a painless procedure. But to understand why Root Canal Treatments have the misconception of being painful, let’s examine why you need one in the first place.


The main indication of Root Canal Treatment is that the nerve of a tooth is compromised, dead or infected. By the time the nerve exhibits any of these conditions, you are already in a lot of pain. When you are in pain already, it is even harder to get your numbAll dental procedures are not painful once you get numb. Local anesthetics gets you numb by blocking the pain signal being delivered to your brain. When your tooth is already in pain, the signal of pain is a lot bigger and therefore harder to block. Additionally, if your tooth is infected; the acidic nature of the infection will counteract and block the anesthetic more, making it even harder to numb you up.


The dentist will do all they can to make sure you don’t experience any pain during Root Canal Treatment, but the very procedure at it’s core can be tedious and painful. Therefore, it is best to either avoid a Root Canal Treatment if you can or do one before symptoms escalate. The best way to avoid a Root Canal Treatment is preventative treatment; regular 6 month checkups, cleans and X rays to examine the tooth and treat the tooth before it needs a Root Canal.

Why should I get a Root Canal Treatment if I can take the tooth out instead?

Root Canal Treatment allows you to keep the tooth when it is hurting, instead of removing the tooth and replacing the gap with an implant, bridge or denture.


It is usually best to keep your tooth for as long as you can as once lost, it will never be the same. The latest technology with implants, bridges and dentures can replicate a lot of the functional and aesthetics of your natural tooth. But it will never be able to fully replace the capabilities of your own natural tooth. Rest assured the replacement options for missing teeth are good, but far from perfect of your own natural tooth.

Does my tooth get weaker after the Root Canal Treatment? 

After Root Canal Treatment, your tooth can be more brittle due to the moisture that is removed that is accompanied with having your nerve. This may predispose your tooth to future reinfection, cracks and breaking the tooth.

Hence it is highly recommended that after you have had your Root Canal Treatment completed, the tooth gets a crown to prevent potentially future complications.

What is the process of a Root Canal Treatment?

1.WHY? – The dentist will first advise you of why you need a Root Canal Treatment and explain this process with you.

2.XRAY – An X Ray will need to be taken of the tooth to be able to evaluate the difficulty of the Root Canal Treatment as well as confirm findings of needing one.

3.LOCAL ANAESTHETIC - Your dentist will then numb you up so that you don’t feel any pain throughout the procedure.

4.RUBBER DAM – A rubber dam is sheet of rubber placed over the tooth to isolate it from the rest of the mouth, thereby preventing contamination via saliva and bacteria.

5.ACCESS AND PREP – The dentist will make an opening to access the nerves of your tooth. From here they will remove all the dead tissue/bacteria/infection from your tooth root canals. This may take 1-2 visits depending on the complexity of the procedure. If it takes more than 1 visit, the dentist will place a temporary filling over the tooth to prevent further contamination between visits.

6.SEALING – Once the tooth has been prepped and been without any symptoms for a small period of time, the dentist will then physically seal the tooth to prevent future reinfection/ingress of bacteria.